Last Sunday we had testimony meeting. Nid was watching intently as some of the older kids got up and bore their testimonies. He turned to me and said"It's almost my turn Mom" I thought to myself, "Hmm, is he serious" Sure enough he was, a few minutes later he said the same thing. I told him that he would have to go by himself. He protested for a second and then looked up at the stand again. A minute later he turned back to me and said "Dad's up there." I said "okay" and he ran up there and sat next to his dad. Rock-a-doodle looked at me and I just smiled. He waited for his turn and then he went up there by HIMSELF!! With his hand holding tight to the microphone and lips almost touching it, He said boldly, "I would like to bear my testimony" . . . then then he said something about, Mom, and Dad, I like church and something about nursery and Jesus and then he closed. . . "in the name of Jesus Christ Amen." then he went and sat down with his dad again. I was so proud of him. He did a great job! I thought his dad had coached him on what to say and his dad thought I had told him what to say. NOPE! Nid thought of it all on his own. I am very proud of my brave little boy!! I have a hard time doing that and there was my 3 year old boy up there making me smile, laugh and tear up a little. Way to go Nid!!