Sunday, February 22, 2009

Law School Adventure

The last few months Rocky has been working tirelessly at getting his applications done and in for law school. It has been a long hall but his hard work is paying off. He has been accepted into Creighton School of Law (with the leardership scholarship) and Penn State (they have not yet allocated their scholarships). These are the only ones he has heard from, so he is 2 for 2 and is waiting on the others. We are very excited and anxious. The first thing Rocky does when he gets home...(after he has given me a kiss and found the hide-n-seek kiddos of course) is goes and checks the mail. He is sitting a little easier now that we have gotten in somewhere, not that Penn St is just anywhere, it really is a very good law school. We will keep you updated on any new developments and of course where we actually end up for the next few years of our life.


The Buthman Family said...

That is soo exciting. I hope it all works out. Now for the job of deciding which college to go to!

The Larsons said...

Hooray! So happy for you guys! That is SUCH a relief. We felt the same way getting into dental school! But, Gwen is right, it is pretty crazy deciding where to go to! Good luck! Keep us posted!!

deannegalloway said...

I remember those days of checking the mail to see if patrick had gotten into any law schools, after a while it will be checking the mail for jobs he applied for. Good luck, it's always a relief to know you got into at least one, but I'm sure there will be many. By the way, I was excited to find your blog.

Gatten Gang said...

that is wonderful I didn't even now he had applied. We really need to keep up better. Aunt J