Sunday, March 1, 2009

On the way home?

Another acceptance, this one closer to home!! We are so proud of Rock and all his hard work. He was offered a "Merit Scholarship" (AWESOME!!) and of course that will play a role in our decision making process. This is such an exciting and unsure time for our family. We have been so blessed to be 3 for 3, but it does make the decision a little. . .a lot harder. I say "We" because even though it is Rock who will be attending law school he does have to be followed by his loving kids and doting wife. I am excited to know where we will end up. There are so many things to think about. It would be fun to head out east and live in Pennsylvania, the history and adventure that would await us. Then again what can be greater then moving home again. We will continue to keep everyone updated. We have six weeks left to make our final decision and we are still waiting on a few more law schools to get back to us. Fingers and toes crossed!!


Thompson family said...

That's awesome! I didn't hear about this one yet! Congrats Rocky!

Hetzlers said...

Wow! What an opportunity to be back close to home...that six weeks are almost up...any closer to a decision??

Monica said...

Congratulations. Especially on being 3/3 (or is it more by now?) ... that's very reassuring. 'Zaga was one of our top choices and I'm sure it would be so nice for you to be close to family. We're anxious to know how it all pans out. Heavenly Father will watch and guide you ... that I know for sure!